Services Provided by Reneé Hall

Law Enforcement Consulting Firm

Nationwide, U.S.A.

Call Us

(+1) 202-123-4567

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Monday - Friday


Experienced Expert Guidance

Reneé Hall

As the former Police Chief of Dallas, Texas, and the former Deputy Chief of the Detroit Police Department, Reneé Hall is distinctly qualified to provide guidance for major metropolitan police departments.

Law Enforcement Analysis/Audits

Let us review your police department's policies, procedures, and general orders to proactively reduce municipal liability risks, improve performance, and to raise departments up to modern standards.

Community Policing

Reneé Hall is an innovator in creative approaches for improving relations between police departments and the communities they serve. Improving communications between law enforcement and the community reduces tensions, increases trust, and improves outcomes.

Police Personnel Supervised
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Renee Hall, Law Enforcement Consultant & Expert
Renee Hall, Law Enforcement Consultant & Expert


A Deeply Experienced Law Enforcement Executive

Reneé Hall brings decades of experience to her role as an Expert Law Enforcement Consultant. She is highly experienced at techniques for modernizing police departments, basing law enforcement strategy around data-based decision making, and creating policies that highlight inclusion and community outreach to improve outcomes for all citizens.


Modernized Crime Fighting & Monitoring

Real Time Crime Center, Chino, CA


Whats People Say About Law Enforcement Expert Reneé Hall

Dr. Frederick Haynes, III
Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III

Paster of Friendship-West Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas

“She was a breath of fresh air because she was able to open the door of transparency so that there was communication with the community.”

Carolyn King Arnold, Dallas City Council Member, District 4
Carolyn King Arnold

Dallas City Council Member, District 4

“In my opinion, when the history book is written about Chief Reneé Hall’s service in Dallas, she will be remembered as an extraordinary police chief who delivered on her promises for reform in the department. She has accomplished more than any past leader in terms of concrete changes on the rules and protocols for officers. Those changes have helped us leap frog our way past others in pursuit of true 21st Century Policing.”

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